Small yet powerful leisure battery

Home Forum topic Vehicle maintenance, suggestions and ideas Small yet powerful leisure battery

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    Hi all, 1st post and all that. Just bought an Eribacar 580 2.5l (renault trafic) diesel. Perfect in every way except instead of a leisure battery it’s got a smallish 45 amp hour normal battery. It only has room for a smallish battery, so my question is what is the best small leisure battery I could use?

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  1. Like KS says, think about
    Like KS says, think about adding a leisure battery somewhere else.
    Where is the current leisure battery installed?
    There is often space inside the engine bay. A bracket can be bought or made that will allow a bigger battery to be stored.
    Or a battery box can be used to house a battery under a seat box or inside a cupboard.

    1. Small yet etc.
      Haven’t tried out the van yet, the man I bought it from only really used 240v, but it is just a standard battery (as in not leisure). Is 45 amp/hour directly related to the size of the battery then, which is, very approximately (van is still 200 miles away)13x7x6ins, or does it relate to the type of battery (normal or leisure)?
      Would it be safe to locate a battery under a seat or inside a cupboard, explosive fumes etc.. Both batteries are currently situated in the engine compartment.I’ve been looking at some which look a similar size, online so hard to be sure, these where 75/80 amp hour £60 to £70 am I getting there?

      1. 45 amp/hour relates to the
        45 amp/hour relates to the size of the battery, and how much energy it will store.
        Leisure batteries are made differently to engine starting batteries, and store energy battery for long draining periods.
        You can safely store the battery under a seat or in a cupboard, but batteries give off fumes when charging, and so it should be vented to allow the fumes to escape.
        £60 is about right for 75 amp/hour. £80 for 110 amp/hour.

        1. Small yet etc.
          Ok, cheers obviously I’ll know better when I start using the battery, but I’ll be better informed now.

  2. 45 is very small. Is it
    45 is very small. Is it causing you problems then? Can you increase the size of the main starter battery and run more of your vans leisure items from here instead?
    Personaly i would look at installing another leisure battery somewhere else, perhaps underneath the vehicle.
