gas hobs

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  • #105373

    Hello there,

    I wonder if anybody can help. I just bought a new campingaz bottle for my Ford transit campervan and switched on the gas hobs for the first time successfully but when i turn them off there’s a popping sound that gave me quite a fright! I can switch them back on with no problem but every time i turn it off it’s the same thing. I thought it could be because the gas bottle is full but i don’t really know.
    Does this sound familiar to anyone?
    Thanks so very much,


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  1. Keep your eye on it (or
    Keep your eye on it (or rather ear!). The popping should reduce as the gas is used up.
    I haven’t been to that area, but suspect that campingaz is available.

    1. gas hobs
      Thanks Darren, i shall do!

  2. Hi Daniela
    This does happen

    Hi Daniela

    This does happen sometimes, especially when the gas bottle is full.
    Are you using a regulator on the gas bottle?

    1. gas hobs
      Hi Darren,

      thanks for your reply. Yes i am using a campingaz regulator with it. It’s an old van, a Ford transit converted by autosleeper and i was a bit worried about the gas appliances but apart from the popping sound when i switch the gas off it all seems to be working fine. Do you know whether is easy to exchange the campingaz 907 bottle in eastern and central Europe?
      Thanks again